Colorado is WET!!  Flooding in towns, major cities like Denver, and the burn scars from wildfires are causing ash and mud slides. 

It seems like this is the first wet summer in many years. Last year...dry and hot. The year before...dry and hot.

My plants initially loved the rain, but after days of continuous downpours, I can practically hear them saying ... "no more!"

Not sure how much I will harvest this year. Honestly, not much. Between the rain and our very late start, not much is growing.

And our chickens and turkeys are dropping like flies.

We will have about 10 turkeys and 10 chickens to process and dehydrate/can. I am buying tomatoes and other veggies/fruit from farmers markets to dehydrate and can.

Tells me what I need to do to give us more of a secure supply of food.

Is anyone else struggling with growing food this year?

Note: I have several survival and prepping books that will be released soon.
-Survival and Prepping for Emergency Situations
-Preparing Homemade MREs from Dehydrated Ingredients
-Windowsill Meals
-Survival Cooking

p.s. I have been asked to consider public speaking. If anyone wants me to speak about prepping and survival for your prepping group, please contact me. 

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