Pet Food

You know those metal trash cans I mentioned in the last post? That would be a good way to store a few bags of your pet's favorite food.

Or you could make sure to put cans of wet food in your pantry.

What about snacks?

But the dry would go stale and the wet is in a can lined with BPA. Neither of which are good. Your cat is a hopefully a mouser, very necessary, and your dog barks are people coming up the drive, also very necessary. You need to take care of them.

I will be working on a book with pet food and pet snacks recipes this summer, but meanwhile, here is a few tips:

1a. Store pre-made when you can.

1b. Store toys, rawhides (NOT from China!), etc.

2. Make your cat work for its food. Lots o mice!

3. Make your dog work for its food. Guarding, alerting, and helping you hunt.

4. Raise rabbits. Great source of protein, and if you can't stand the thought of eating them yourself, let your dog and cat. Never give the whole live rabbit to your pet or one day you will go into your rabbitry to find all of them dead and eaten. Kill it and skin the rabbit (keep the hide to tan for muffs or whatever). THEN give it to your pet somewhere where it is ok to get blood everywhere.

5. Learn how to make snacks, like dog biscuits.

6. Slowly, gradually, change your animals over to food you can make yourself. For instance, we are changing our dogs from regular dry food to foods from our kitchen, garden, and farm. Chicken or turkey or eggs, rice or oats or millet or quinoa, and vegetables.

That's it for now. Give it some thought.

If you have suggestions or questions about feeding your pet, including those other than cat or dog, please ask in the comments below.

Thank you.


For more information about Vikki or to find out about her current and upcoming books, please visit the website: . Meanwhile, subscibe or visit this blog often because I will be updating it on a more regular basis. THANK YOU!

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